english curriculum

English Long Term Curriculum Map - See Year Group Progression Overviews below

Speaking and listening, reading and writing are at the heart of our curriculum at St Michael and All Angels Catholic Primary. Children are given the opportunity to develop and enhance their literacy skills through a variety of audiences and purposes.

Structured class activities, as well as wider school events, responsibilities and clubs give our children the opportunity to develop their speaking and listening skills.

Early reading skills are taught using the ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme, which is taught in a systematic yet lively and challenging way.  The teaching of reading throughout the school varies with age and cohort. Reading is taught on a whole class basis, small groups and individually, depending on the age and ability of the children in the cohort. Children of all abilities develop a love of books through a wide selection of good quality literature in the classroom and the school library. This positive and inclusive reading culture continues throughout the school where all are supported to become keen, independent readers with skills they can use across the curriculum.

 A balance of reading and writing is maintained and children are encouraged to write with accuracy, confidence and stamina as well as responding to many creative, cross curricular topics.

We believe that children need to develop a secure knowledge-base in Literacy, which follows a clear pathway of progression as they advance through the primary curriculum. A secure basis in literacy skills is crucial to a high quality education and will ultimately give our children the tools they need to participate fully as a member of society.


Communication and Language Development underpins all that we do across The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) therefore we strive to ensure that all adults model effective language and communication and hold high quality interactions at all times. Children develop early reading and writing skills through the delivery of systematic, synthetic phonics as well as other strategies such as story mapping and role play. We aim to instil a love for books and reading for pleasure through daily story times, Mystery Reader sessions and Relax and Read sessions with parents and family members.

Phonics and Reading

Phonics is taught from Foundation 1 through to Year 2 in daily 15 - 30 minute lessons following 'Letter and Sounds'. Phonic teaching continues through Key Stage 2 and intervention is given to those children who need support.

We follow letters and sounds in Key Stage 1 and supplement spelling lessons with 'No nonsense spelling' from Year Two onwards once children are ready for spelling rules and patterns.

Through our reading scheme, we aim to encourage children to approach all books with enthusiasm and interest. Books in Foundation Stage and KS1 follow the 'Big Cat phonics' reading scheme which ensures they are decodable and in-line with 'Letters and Sounds' teaching. Books in our reading scheme have been carefully chosen to cover a wide range of genre including non-fiction.  The interest of boys, girls and equal opportunities have been considered.  Our books are continually updated to reflect the needs of our children. They also have access to books that they can share at home with parents in order to promote 'reading for pleasure'.


You will find ‘Recommended Reading Lists’ on the year group pages of the website.


From now on children will be accessing their English writing through 'Read to Write', a fantastic scheme to further raise standards in writing across school.

Reception - Progression Overview

Year 1 - Progression Overview

Year 2 - Progression Overview

Year 3 - Progression Overview

Year 4 - Progression Overview

Year 5 - Progression Overview

Year 6 - Progression Overview