Forest School & Outdoor learning

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We believe our should have regular access to a woodland or natural environment which provides them with inspirational and challenging outdoor learning opportunities. Seven years ago we developed our ‘Forest/Woodland Area’ which is now extensively used by all year groups across the school. At St Michael and All Angels we work closely with a ‘Forest School’ trained expert who with staff in school supports the delivery of sessions. From the very first session, forest school aims to increase each child’s self-confidence, self–esteem, creativity, communication skills and independence. These skills are vital to all children's learning, helping them to maximise their potential. It is an inspirational process, that offers ALL learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences, in a woodland or natural environment.They learn by doing, talking and taking on challenges. Forest school gives each child a chance to express themselves in a way they might not be able to within a classroom setting.

Outdoor Learning is a little different to Forest School. It means simply that we are taking our learning outdoors. Whenever we can learn something better by being outside, that's where we go! The value of outdoor learning is well recognised at St Michael and All Angels Primary School and is seen as one of the drivers in the delivery of our curriculum. Research evidence is overwhelmingly clear about the positive links made between outdoor learning and the progress of children in all aspects of learning and the development of core values.

Learning outside the classroom is highly motivating. Learning in the school grounds, the locality, visiting sites further afield and residential experiences all stimulate interest, curiosity and passion for ‘doing’. These activities broaden young people’s horizons, enable them to develop new skills and build relationships. They make young people more engaged with learning and therefore more likely to do well.

Our teachers plan outdoor learning opportunities across the curriculum and utilise our school grounds and facilities in order to maximise the impact of these experiences. Our learning continues far past our gates and fences with regular trips offsite beginning in Foundation with visits to the High School Farm next door to us.. Experiences continue throughout the school and further afield across all year groups which both compliment and add great value to the excellent teaching and learning in our classrooms.

EYFS Forest School
Our Nursery and Foundation 1 children experience Forest School on a weekly basis.