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Our Science Vision and Principles

We want all children to be enthusiastic, interested and curious, building on their scientific knowledge and vocabulary, asking their own questions and using different types of scientific enquiry.
And by providing all our children with a challenging, engaging and safe environment, we are encouraging a lifelong love of learning and creating scientists of the future.

We are confident, enthusiastic, interested and curious in our lessons.

We are hands on, practical and investigative.

We ask our own questions and are able to independently and collaboratively explore and discover.

We are able to verbalise the learning taught using appropriate scientific vocab.

We work scientifically, improving and building upon previous learning.

We enjoy taking science outside and making the most of our remarkable outdoor learning environment.

What does Science look like at St Michael and All Angels Primary?


Our science curriculum is ambitious, stimulating and exciting and designed to inspire all pupils, so they thrive in an increasingly scientific/technological world. Science at St Michael’s opens the door for curiosity, enquiry and wonder. We aim to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills to think independently and develop an enquiring scientific mind in preparation for the world of work.

Science develops the natural curiosity of the child, encourages respect for living organisms and the physical environment and provides opportunities for critical evaluation of evidence.

We believe it is important for teachers to be confident in delivering relevant, practical and memorable lessons which do this. Our aim is to provide lessons which not only consolidate prior knowledge but extend it, encourage deeper understanding through stimulating and challenging experiences and that are rooted in scientific vocabulary.  

 We believe it is important to promote and develop transferrable skills such as problem solving, communication and teamwork, to evolve children as lifelong learners and these skills are at the heart of our lessons.  


Science is a driving subject of the school curriculum as it’s key in equipping children with key knowledge and skills necessary to succeed not only in their next phase of education but also in local industry; therefore, we are dedicated to the teaching and delivery of a quality science curriculum.

This is implemented through:

  • A carefully chosen and researched scheme being implemented that supports staff and pupils effectively.

  • The scheme provides pupils with the opportunity to master the skills, knowledge and concepts taught.

  • The Science objectives focusing on seasonal change in Y1/2 being taught over the course of the year.

  • Teachers being supported with their subject and pedagogical knowledge through the SNAP Science scheme and ongoing CPD.

  • Investment in high-quality resources, that aid understanding of conceptual knowledge and scientific skills.

  • Pupils are introduced to specific scientists, through our annual Science Week, helping to develop an appreciation of human creativity and achievement and increase the science capital from which they can draw in the future.


At St Michael and All Angels Primary, the manner in which we teach science positively impacts on the motivation and “love” of the subject. It influences the way pupils think, their approach to other subjects and life in general. Pupils are inspired to research and carry out their own experiments at home and also suggest ideas to enhance their learning in the classroom.

Throughout lessons, often through careful questioning and observation, pupil’s skills and knowledge are continually assessed by the class teacher. This informs the Science leader of any further areas for curriculum development, pupil support and/or training requirements for staff.

As children move on to their next phase in education, they take with them a secure body of knowledge and scientific skills that provide them with a strong basis for further learning. In our ever-changing world, the future is uncertain; the planet’s natural resources are diminishing so it’s necessary we create the foundations for future scientists to improve the world for the future generations.

EYFS Content Overview

Year 1 Content Overview

Year 2 Content Overview

Year 3 Content Overview

Year 4 Content Overview

Year 5 Content Overview

Year 6 Content Overview