Memorable experiences
We have worked hard to enhance our curriculum with as many trips and visitors as possible. We believe that children learn best through experience and an enhanced curriculum is a quality curriculum. Examples of our enhancement are listed below.
Trips linked to different curriculum subjects.
Regular opportunities to share his/her achievements in assemblies and other whole school events.
Regular opportunities to contribute towards his/her learning and be involved in decision-making that effects the whole school through pupil voice.
Opportunities to represent the school through sporting events.
Opportunities to join a wide range of clubs and extra-curricular activities both after school and during lunchtimes.
The opportunity to play the guitar.
Opportunities to work with the Parish community and cluster schools on community projects e.g. Birkenhead Park Community Project
The opportunity to undertake First Aid training.
The opportunity to undertake Road Safety training.
Opportunities to perform in plays and other dramatic and musical performances.
On-going opportunities to learn through practical, hands-on, investigative activities e.g. growing fruit and vegetables, cooking, etc
Opportunities for residential visits in Year 5 and Year 6.
Year 2 & 4 Trip to Eureka Science Centre
Year 3 Residential to Barnstondale
Space Exhibition at Liverpool Museum
Y5 Residential to Colomendy
F2 trip to Tam O’Shanter Farm
Science Workshops
KS2 visit The Unity Theatre
Year 3/4 trip to Martin Mere
Year 5 Residential to Colomendy
Year 1 trip to Woodchurch High Farm
Celebrating the King’s Coronation
Commando Joe
EYFS & Year 1 ‘Tiny Tunes & Tales’ workshop
KS2 Young Shakespeare Company
Y2 trip to Royden Park
‘Little Angels’ visit ‘Imagine That!’
Foundation 1 Visit to Woodchurch High Farm
EYFS Fun Day
KS1 Community Project - Birkenhead Park
Year 2 meet the Mayor
Year 2 visit to Thurstaston Beach
Year 1 visit to the local park
Birds of Prey
Year 3 and 4 - Greek Dancing
Chinese New Year Workshops
Year 6 working with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Hub
Spanish Story Telling
Year 5 Residential at Colomendy
Liverpool World Museum
Year 3 Trip to Gilmoss Recycling Centre
Year 1 and 2 visit to ‘The Literacy Shed’
Little Angels Residential at Barnstondale
Year 3 Retreat Day at Barnstondale
EYFS & KS1 meet ‘The Travelling Farm’
World Book Day
Visiting theatre companies
Working with artists
Working with History Museum Outreach Teacher
Buddy Work
Whole School Aspirations Day
Learning about history from local people
Year 6 Residential to Ireland
Year 6 Residential to Ireland
Year 6 Residential to Ireland
Year 6 Residential to Ireland
Meeting pen pals in Ireland
Year 1 and 2 visit to the Science Museum
Bushcraft Days
Year 5 Science Workshops