At St Michael and All Angels we create a pathway for all our children. We offer a wide variety of activities during PE lessons such as netball
number of clubs including cricket, football, dodge-ball, dance, cheer-leading, basketball, tag rugby and cross country. In September gymnastics and fencing will also be available. From these clubs we have developed teams that compete with other schools from the local community. Here you will find reports written by the children to let you know how our teams have been getting on.
We have appointed a Sports Crew and a set of enthusiastic Sports Leaders for each year group who will be given responsibility to interview players and record the action-packed accounts from each match or event.
For each competition children are selected to be part of the media team to keep us informed about all the news and events. The media team role involves attending and supporting the team at school competitions as well as tweeting pictures and writing reports which can be seen on our school website.
Don't forget to stay up to date with sporting events and activities at St Michael & All Angels by checking our twitter page @smaaanews
School Sport Organising Crew
What is a School Sport Organising Crew?
A School Sport Organising Crew (SSOCrew) is a diverse group of young people who join together to develop, organise and promote school sport and intra-school competition within the Sainsbury’s School Games.
Why do we need a School Sport Organising Crew?
A SSOCrew provides a structured and meaningful mechanism for young people to do the following:
Contribute to decisions about sporting activities and sports competition in their school.
Engage in aspects of school life outside timetabled lessons.
Air views and have opinions listened to.
Influence and shape school sport for their peers.
Assist in the development and planning of ‘their’ Sainsbury’s School Games programme of activities — based on student voice and need.
Organise intra-school competitions within their school.
• Be valued and seen as an integral part of the workforce.
The SSOCrew should be seen as an essential aspect of developing school sport provision that meets the needs of young people.
Meet the crew...
Year 5 Kinball (17/02/22)
Greetings from the Sports Crew
To view competition reports from previous academic year, please contact our PE lead or Website administrator via the office email.